Listening to you
We’re often asked how we’re listening to the views of customers and acting on them.
So, each month, we’re speaking to our teams and asking: “how have you listened to customers and acted on their feedback?”
Then each month, we’ll publish our top actions that have resulted directly from feedback, either from an individual or group of customers.
Check out the latest actions below and, in time, we’ll build up an archive so you can see everything we’ve done to react to customer feedback over time.
Here is an archive of our recent actions:
July 2024
Estate walkabouts
Following feedback from The Big Conversation Customer Survey we launched customer drop ins in 2023, which latterly were poorly attended. In response, we’ve introduced estate walkabouts starting this month. We want to hear what matters to you and your community so we can work together to create positive change.
The3 first walkabouts are scheduled for Monday 12th August in Lawthorn, Fullarton area, Irvine and Monkton and have been advertised in the August edition of Word on the Street. We will be advertising upcoming walkabouts on our website and socials.
Tenant-Led Scrutiny – Void Management review
The Riverside Scotland Service Improvement Group was established in June 2023 – with support from the Tenants Information Service. In recent years, we have noticed an increase in the length of time to turn around our void properties, as well as increasing costs. The first project of the Service Improvement Group was to review our approach to Void Management, and work with Riverside Scotland to find areas in which we could improve.
Our rigorous review of Void Management policies resulted in 17 valuable recommendations which were presented to Board in May, including transparent tenant communications, resource optimisation, and early issue identification.
We are currently updating our Welcome Brochure as a result of this review.
By actively involving staff, tenants and TIS and adopting a flexible approach to scrutiny we’ve fostered a culture of partnership and continuous improvement.
Join the Service Improvement Group or one of or other customer groups here.
Improving our stock
We’ve been busy with exterior painting across Ayrshire this summer freshening up homes in Irvine and Drongan.
In July we kicked off two major improvement programmes across our stock with our contractor Bell Group. Phase 2 of the Harbourside window replacement programme is now underway.
We also began a kitchen replacement programme in Pennyburn, Kilwinning.
Supporting customers through the cost-of-living crisis
We are committed to supporting our tenants and communities during these challenging economic times and in response to customer feedback have launched various initiatives and partnered with our contractors to support tenants.
Since launching in March our bed poverty campaign in partnership with Bell Group and James Frew, has supplied 2 double beds and 3 mattresses, 1 cot and bedding to tenants.
Following the success of the Big Pennyburn Clean Up event last autumn, we launched a free garden equipment lending scheme in Pennyburn at the start of summer.
In July James Frew donated £350 in supermarket vouchers to Redburn community group for their summer trip to M&Ds.
Derek Blair, Area Manager is pictured passing over a generous £350 supermarket voucher to our Customer Involvement Officer, Gavin Wiffen.
Derek said, “We are always keen to support local events in the areas we operate that align with our commitment to community benefit initiatives. We are delighted to be able to help out with the trip and wish everyone a great day out!”
Website improvements
Over the past few months we have been working behind the scenes to update the content on our website, ensuring information is up to date and accessible to customers. We have created a new Help section making it easier for tenants to access support in one central location. We have also developed a Have your Say section on the site where customers can sign up to get involved in one of our groups.
August 2024
Estate walkabouts
We held our first estate walkabouts on Monday 12th August covering Lawthorn, Monkton and the Fullarton area of Irvine. Thanks to everyone who came out and joined us.
We identified fly tipping in Lawthorn which is being dealt with.
The next planned walkabout is scheduled for Thursday 5th September 10am-12pm at Tarryholme. We will be texting and emailing customers with info on forthcoming walkabouts in their area. The Tarryholme walkabout has also been advertised in the August edition of Word on the Street and will be promoted on Riverside Scotland’s social media channels and website.
Parking in Pennyburn
We are aware that in Pennyburn there is a shortage of available parking spaces, causing inconvenience and frustration for many residents. The lack of designated parking areas has also resulted in vehicles being parked in unauthorised zones, further exacerbating the problem.
The parking shortage affects us all in various ways:
- Safety Concerns: Illegally parked vehicles can obstruct emergency services, posing a risk to everyone’s safety.
- Accessibility Issues: Residents with mobility challenges find it difficult to navigate the estate due to blocked pathways and ramps.
- Community Tension: The competition for parking spaces can lead to disputes among neighbours.
We welcome suggestions and feedback from customers and recently a Pennyburn resident got in touch to suggest the possibility of creating parking on grassland which unfortunately isn’t an option. Gavin Wiffen, Customer and Community Engagement Officer suggested making parking available in front of unused lock ups and has identified over 50 vacant lock ups on the estate and arranged for signage so residents can park in the bays in front.
By working together and considering various solutions, we can create a more convenient and harmonious living environment for everyone.
Taking Action Against Anti-Social Behaviour
We are committed to maintaining a safe and harmonious community for everyone. This month, we have taken decisive action against two customers for anti-social behaviour, resulting in decrees for eviction. This demonstrates our dedication to addressing serious issues and ensuring the well-being of all residents.
We understand that anti-social behaviour (ASB) can significantly impact the quality of life in our community. While we receive various comments on our customer satisfaction surveys regarding how we handle ASB, it’s important to note that we take all reports seriously. However, some issues reported are low-level, limiting our ability to intervene.
We want to assure you that we are proactive in dealing with serious cases of ASB. The recent actions are a testament to our commitment. We work closely with local authorities and follow a thorough process to ensure that appropriate measures are taken against those who disrupt the peace and safety of our communities.
We encourage all residents to report any instances of ASB. Your reports help us identify and address issues promptly.
Dedicated Complaints Officer
Listening to our customers’ perspectives, understanding their needs, and addressing their aspirations is key to our organisation. We record any feedback—whether it is about a missed contractor visit or a delayed response to an enquiry. This practice enables us to identify areas for improvement, innovate, and enhance the customer journey.
We know customers feel frustrated when being passed from one colleague to another so following a successful trial with a dedicated complaints officer in post we recently recruited Patrick Scott as a permanent Complaints Officer and dedicated point of contact for managing negative customer experiences and driving forward improvements in overall satisfaction.
Patrick says:
“In my role I will be investigating complaints and looking for opportunities to improve and change to ensure we consistently meet the changing needs of our customers. I will be looking for opportunities to take the concerns raised forward to the management team and work with the asset and housing teams to collaboratively find solutions to make enhancements to the overall service that the tenants receive and contribute to increasing the tenant satisfaction.
“In addition to complaints, I will also be working with the asset officers and helping the asset team to provide an efficient service to our colleagues in other departments, and our tenants.
“A few months in we have identified a few issues and as a team we are looking at process changes and new ways of tracking to reduce complaints relating to outstanding repairs, as well as improving our communication with tenants, which is an area highlighted on a number of complaints to date.”
Improving Our Stock
This month our contractor Bell Group have been busy installing new kitchens in Pennyburn, and replacing roofs in Broomlands, Irvine. Window and door replacements are continuing to be rolled out at the Harbourside.
September/October 2024
Pension Credit Campaign
In response to the Government’s withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Payment for all pensioners we launched a pension credit campaign on our social media channels 2-6 September.
Only pensioners receiving pension credit are entitled to the Winter Fuel Payment so it’s vital that we get any eligible tenants to apply. Our Affordability Officer, Cath Stone is on hand to help with applications and assess eligibility.
Cath said, “Pension Credit is a gateway benefit – you may only be entitled to a small amount, but by claiming it opens the door to other benefits such as the winter fuel allowance, council tax reductions, energy funding and more. I’d urge anyone not claiming to get in touch with me to check their eligibility.”
Find out more about Pension Credit and how to get in touch with Cath here – Get help and advice with your benefit claim – Riverside Scotland
Estate walkabouts
Our tenant partners carried out estate walkabouts in the following areas:
Harbourside, Irvine – Wednesday 30th October 2024
It was lovely to see houses decorated for Halloween.
The main concern from customers we spoke to was around fly-tipping, abandoned bins etc. Our Tenant Partners, Sharon and Patricia provided advice on reporting to the Council.
Springhill Terrace, Springside – Wednesday 30th October 2024
The condition of the fencing was noted and are currently investigating what we can do to improve this.
Dumfries – Farnland, Lawbank and Shortridge – Wednesday18th September 2024
Pennyburn, Kilwinning – Friday 13th September 2024
Tarryholme, Irvine – Thursday 5th September 2024
The police joined us at Tarryholme and have advised they will be doing more regular patrols of the area.
We have contacted NAC about overhanging trees at back of Gailes Place.
We have logged an enquiry with NAC Road Safety to request they look into speed bumps and road speed signs as requested by the police in attendance.
Community Funding Applications
We’ve acted on feedback from local groups that have contacted us for assistance to fund local events and trips. To ensure fair assessment of funding requests, we have developed a new application process for groups seeking support from us. Each request will be evaluated based on criteria such as the event or project’s support for local people, the number of our customers who will benefit, and the anticipated impact of our funding.
We’ve recently awarded our first grant of £420 to PRYDE (Pennyburn Regeneration Youth Development Enterprise) for their annual Christmas panto trip. The funds will be put towards the hiring of buses, to keep costs low for families who want to attend.
Do you know a group or organisation that could benefit from funding? An overview of the process and application form can be found here:
Funding for Community Groups and Organisations – Riverside Scotland