Published information

Information about Riverside Scotland, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations.

Class 1: About Riverside Scotland


Information about Riverside Scotland, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations.

Descriptions of who we are:

Location and opening arrangements:

Information relating to Freedom of Information:

About our Board:

About our staff:

Governance Documents and Corporate Policies:

Relationship with Regulators:

Group details:

Details of our parent and subsidiary organisations

Riverside Scotland is a trading name of Irvine Housing Association and  is a subsidiary of The Riverside Group Limited (TRGL). TRGL’s parental status is achieved through Riverside Scotland’s Rules with provide for TRGL to have a Parental Share in Riverside Scotland. The Parental Share gives additional powers to TRGL beyond those of any other shareholding member. The specific power, that creates the subsidiary status, is to appoint and dismiss the Board of Riverside Scotland.

The relationship between Riverside Scotland and TRGL is further detailed in the Constitutional Partnership Agreement between the organisations which was made in October 2011.

Riverside Scotland has one subsidiary, Thistle Housing Services Limited (THSL). Riverside Scotland is the only shareholder of THSL. THSL does not currently trade.

Key Partnerships: