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Tenants and Residents Associations


Local Tenants and Residents Associations

Riverside Scotland supports local Tenants and Residents Associations (TARAs).  Why not get involved in your local area by joining your local association. A TARA can provide a collective voice for tenants and residents in an area, can act as a focus for consultation and an organisation to lobby changes.

The following Tenants and Residents Associations are registered with us as outlined in our Register of Tenant Organisations.


Pennyburn Tenants and Residents Association 

Area: Pennyburn Housing Estate, Kilwinning, Ayrshire

Meeting Cycle: First Monday of every month (no meeting in July or December)

Where: The Playz, Pennyburn Local Centre, Kilwinning, KA13 6TA

For more information email [email protected] or call 07970 348724.


Bourtreehill & Broomlands Tenants and Residents Association

Area: Bourtreehill & Broomlands housing estate, Irvine, Ayrshire

Meeting Cycle: First Wednesday of every month

Where: Age Concern, 7 Lower Vennel, Bourtreehill, Irvine, KA11 1PQ

For more information email [email protected] or call 01294 324869/324871


Drongan, Rankinston and Stair Regeneration Group

Area: Drongan, Rankinston and Stair housing estates, East Ayrshire

For more information email: [email protected] or call 01563 576354 / 578104


Setting up a new Tenants and Residents Group

If you are interested in setting up a Tenants and Residents Group in your local area please contact our Customer & Community Engagement Officer by email: [email protected] or call 07970 348724.

Riverside Scotland are here to help and will provide support and guidance to get your group established.