Our Neighbourhood Planning process is designed to address the specific needs and priorities of our neighbourhoods. Here’s how it works and how you can get involved:
Gathering Feedback
As part of the Neighbourhood Planning process, we will gather feedback through surveys, giving you the opportunity to voice your local priorities. These priorities will then used to inform the actions in the Neighbourhood Plans.
What Do the Plans Include? The Plans outline the work we will focus on in your local area, working alongside customers, community groups, and other local partners like Councils and Charities. Our team is committed to delivering the plans developed for our neighbourhoods, progressing actions to ensure our promises are kept. The plans will be monitored throughout the year and reviewed annually.
Our Local Offer to You
We will produce local offers in every area where a Neighbourhood Plan has been developed. This is a way of providing feedback to customers following the surveys.
Upcoming Surveys
Your Tenant Partners will be conducting surveys in Spring 2025 to collect relevant data to prepare a plan to enhance the neighbourhood you live in. We will start off in Pennyburn and Drongan, and once we have consulted with customers, collected, and analysed all the data, we will be able to start delivering the plan. We encourage all tenants to participate in these surveys and share your views to help us create a better community for everyone. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our neighbourhoods