Membership Policy
Print1. Aims
Back to topThe Association aims to attract a diverse range of interested people into Membership who can contribute particular skills and knowledge which would be supportive and beneficial to the Association’s business.
2. Eligibility to become a Member of the Association
Back to topThe Association has two Membership categories:
Ordinary Membership of the Association, which will be open to: a) individual tenants of the Association. b) individual service users of the Association. c) organisations sympathetic to the objects of the Association. d) individuals who are supportive of the objects of the Association and have, in a personal or professional capacity, relevant knowledge, experience, skills or expertise which is complementary to the Association’s vision and values.
Parental Membership of the Association, consisting of one share, which is held by the Association’s Parent Company, The Riverside Group Limited.
3. General
Back to topThe Association is a customer-driven organisation and aims to attract Members who share its values. It is therefore a pre-requisite of Membership that all Members must be supportive of the vision, values and charitable objectives of the Association and the services it seeks to provide to its customers.
4. Membership Application Procedure
Back to topCompleted Membership Application forms, accompanied by the sum of £1.00 will be considered by the Board at its next meeting following submission, or as soon as is practical thereafter.
A person shall not be admitted to ordinary membership if they are under the age of 16 years.
The Board shall have absolute discretion in deciding on Membership Applications, taking full account of this Membership Policy and the Association’s Rules. The following shall constitute grounds for refusal of a Membership Application: a) Where Membership would be contrary to the Association’s Rules or its policies; b) Where a conflict of interest may exist which, even allowing for the disclosure of such an interest, may adversely affect the work of the Association; or c) Where the Board considers that accepting the Membership Application would not be in the best interests of the Association.
Membership will commence from the date of the Board Meeting where the Membership Application is approved. Within seven working days of the date of approval, the new Members’ details will be entered in the Register of Members and their Share Certificate shall be issued.
5. Opportunities for Member Involvement
Back to topMembers are entitled to:
- attend the Annual General Meeting and any other general meeting of the Association
- formally elect Board Members
- stand for election to the Board, subject to consideration by the Board
- attend any Shareholder Events
- vote on any amendments to the Association’s Rules
6. Termination of Membership
Back to topMembership will be cancelled:
- when a Member withdraws from Membership by giving 7 days written notice to the Secretary
- on the death of a Member (unless the Member has nominated a person, to transfer their share to, in accordance with the Rules)
- if a Member is expelled in accordance with the Association’s Rules.
Membership will be deemed to have been withdrawn, with effect from the passing of a resolution by the Board, when a Member:
- becomes an employee of the Association
- fails to notify the Association of their change of address within 3 calendar months, unless a tenant of the Association has transferred their tenancy to another property owned or managed by the Association
- has failed to either attend or give apologies, for five consecutive Annual General Meetings.
The Member’s share fee is not refundable on termination of Membership.
7. Make-Up of the Board
Back to topThe Association’s Board shall consist of not less than 8 persons and no more than 12, including the Parent Nominee. In addition, the Board may also co-opt to the Board.
Vacancies arising on the Board will be advertised from time to time in accordance with the associated procedures.
Board Members are formally elected by the Membership at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the Association’s Rules.
8. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Back to topThe Association is committed to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion. We strive to be fair in our dealings with all people, communities and organisations, taking into account the diverse nature of their culture and background and actively promoting inclusion.
Back to topIf there appears to be any difference between this Policy and the Association’s Rules – then the latter takes precedence.